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Sentence to think about :   In a kiss, you'll know how much I've kept quiet.   (Pablo Neruda)

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Blog - Editorial

User Epistemology  -  by cronywell

“Culture is the vital system of ideas at all times. It doesn't matter that these ideas or convictions are not, in part or in whole, scientific. Culture is not science. It is characteristic of our current culture that a large portion of its content comes from entertainment; But in other cultures, it was not like that, nor is it said that in ours it is always like that to the same extent as now. This leads us to confirm that the great majority do not possess the vital system of ideas about the world and man corresponding to time. That average character is the new barbarian, behind his time, archaic and primitive compared to the terrible present. Today we are all technology users, but what percentage of the population is capable of manufacturing a cell phone, for example, or simply understanding exactly how its components work, not just their normal use. Are there teachers capable of explaining each of the parts that make it up and how they work, from the circuit, the battery, the display? If we want to be an advanced country, we must acquire the technological Know How of everything we use today. “To be able to research, develop, national technology.

” Platon said it 420 years a/c “KNOWLEDGE WILL MAKE YOU FREE”.

Published on 19/09/2023 » 13:07   | |    |


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